Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Week 219; The Bill

Peanuts                 Pendu gives Chuck some candy and he "drops it into Snoop's mouth since its so dirty and he brings Snoop home for water. Shroe and Luci introduce the bill to stop rebellions into the legislature of Shermy.
               Batricia and Biole don't invite Chuck to their party and he puts on a show and makes them happy. The Legislature of Shermy is irrupted into an angry debate about the bill.
Peanuts               Chuck compliments Charlette and she gets mad since she thinks he's being sarcastic. Snoopy finishes repairing the "ear" after being damaged by Charlette.
Peanuts               Charlette is mad that no one will talk with her since she's loud and Chuck walks away to hear what she's saying. Charlette starts turning members of the army to her and her coup.
Peanuts                      Chuck says that they're is a 100,000,000 to 1 chance that Charlie Brown and Lucy will merge and then finds out that Schroe says Schroeder's chance is 10,000,000 to one  and Chuck's mad. Schroe says that the reason is Lucy will refuse to not merge so there's a higher chance to merge.
Peanuts               Chuck tells Luucy that the sky is way up there and she's surprised that its that high. Luci heads out to the field and starts to work and helping the towns of Shermy.
Peanuts               Schroe composes a sonata for Luucy and calls it The Fussbudget Sonata. Shroe heads to the field realizing that the bill is hopeless.
CB 1257 Patty 525 Snoopy 394 Lucy 367 Violet 296 Schroeder 228 Pig-Pen 24 Charlotte Braun 7

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