Sunday, November 5, 2017

Week 562; Schroed Quits

19610723                            Mr. Manager part 126; Luc stands in the right field but the ball bounces right next to her because she was having her quiet time.
19610724                        Mr. Manager part 127; Schroed quits the baseball team so he can go and play his piano. Lunus decides to make a series of bills known as the Judiciary Acts of 1962 that he we gradually introduce to trick Chuck and his allies into voting for the bills.
19610725                     Mr. Manager part 128; Schroed tells Chuckson that he values music more than baseball and in an interview Chuckson says that they were going to score their first run. Chuck appoints a policy assistant who was the person who nominated him as representative to the UNOP named Charles.
19610726                           Mr. Manager part 129; Luc nominates herself to convince Schroed to rejoin the team. Luucy finds a way to increase Lunus' pay by appointing him President Whip who is in charge of helping the president do, well pretty much anything.
19610727                      Mr. Manager part 130; Luc is told that concert pianists make more money than baseball catchers and gives up convincing him for the day. Lunus introduces the Lower Courts Act of 1962  which sets up lower courts over the Brown cluster, Van Pelt cluster, the small countries of Pig-Pen and Shermy, the countries of Patty, Violet and Schroeder, and the countries of Frieda and Faron while scheduling new acts for every time the number of countries in The UNOP changes, while slipping in a clause banning prioritization of any topic.
19610728                       Mr. Manager part 131; Luc tries to convince Schroed that he's hurting the fight against the Outsiders by not playing baseball (she hates the Outsiders). The Lower Courts Act of 1962 passes with no one noticing the clause Lunus slipped in, until after Chuck signed it.
19610729                         Mr. Manager part 132; Chuckson watches as his entire team quits because of Schroed. Chuck has a meeting with Lunus where he alternatively tries to lure him to his party and yells at him about how the clause could destroy the UNOP's finances.
CB 2779 Lucy 1420 Snoopy 1179 Linus 986 Patty 674 Schroeder 559 Violet 550 Shermy 262 Frieda 39

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