Chuck answers the phone for Snoop and he laughs at something from the phone and Chuck is annoyed that he'll never know what it was about. Luci asks for some larger organizational structure to investigate Faron which Chuck and Luucy gladly give.
Chuck hears a Snoopian play the trombone and is confused by the sound. Charlette starts frantically framing someone else about the Faron case.
SmartA tells a psychiatrist joke but no one laughs so he concludes that they are on the way out. Charlette frames the leader of Charlotte Braun for it hoping to let her move up in the ranks.
Miss Othmar part 24; Linus has a quarantine making it so it can't send someone to be taught by Miss Othmar. The teacher nations start organizing a teaching system for younger countries.
Miss Othmar part 25; The Linusian teaching receiver talks to Chu about how great Miss Othmar is. The teacher nations start writing the Schulz Education Association Constitution.
Lins' son yells at Luucy's daughter and threatens to later hit her. Loal washes up on the island that Patricia is training on with no memory of what happened since he escaped Peanuts.
Lins hears a leaf fall down with a musical note. The Male General starts picking up poor people off of the street to join his army.
CB 2801 Lucy 1434 Snoopy 1194 Linus 1011
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