Thursday, November 2, 2017

Week 559; Patriba

19610702                           Luucy mushes up Lins' drawings and he yells at her for it. Patty's Bully party government (in 1960 the Bully party took more control which is why Batty was appointed) appoints someone named Patriba to replace CPatricia.
19610703                       Luucy tries telling Lunus about the dangers of  overpopulation by saying one day when he wakes up there will be no place to stand but he says he'd just go to bed. Chuck tries to stop the replacement of CPatricia and makes a bill to not accept appointments for the elected house.
19610704                      Charlie Brown sends normal food to Snoopy's Scavengers but they are disappointed because they wanted shrimp louie. Chuck decides that the bill passed when 10 people voted for it because he didn't count Patriba's vote. When it goes to the appointed house he begs Luucy to vote for it, here's the exchange; Chuck: "Please vote for it, at least out of respect for Patricia!" Luucy: "Fine, this will become a political controversy and I want to get to overpopulation".
19610705                        Chuck asks Lins' son if he thinks TV is harmful to him, but he says he doesn't know because one's never fell on him. Luucy has the bill passed and prepares to introduce her overpopulation bill, but then SmartA introduces his bill to definitively make it so when a elected seat is vacant the next Archives Anniversary there will be an election to fill it.
19610706                           Snoop talks to Sni about the importance of sleep. Chuck gets the bill pushed through with an undisputed majority (AKA not 10-9), but after it passes the appointed house Far tries to introduce a bill to defang Luci's investigation even more.
19610707                         Luucy yells at Lunus (who is basically the Whip of the appointed house) to worry about overpopulation and get the people to start voting for it but he isn't worried about it so he tries to fake worry. Luucy then yells Far into tabling the bill for a bit.
19610708                            People around town celebrate the 1000th year since the super-country split apart (the super-country's lineage leads to all country's on Central Peanuts as well as many on North and South Peanuts). Luucy finally introduces her overpopulation bill.
CB 2769 Luucy 1409 Snoopy 1175 Linus 977 Schroeder 555

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