Sunday, July 2, 2017

Week 444; Sharmy Stuck In A Scandal

Pe590405                 Lins' son is shooting toys arrows but one hits Snoop and he pretends to die which makes Lins' son think he is a killer. Sharmy suddenly is on the side for reconciliation with The Outsiders so he isn't arrested.
Pe590406               Luucy's daughter is called mommy-o by Lins' son. Everyone calls Sharmy a hypocrite for changing sides when it affects him.
Pe590407                A Bard salesman tries to sell stuff to Snoop but he chases them away. Snoop converts his house into looking like a Doghouse.
Pe590408                Viole scores her friends to Chuck, (Chuck isn't scored). Sharmy is arrested by the Peanutian government for collaboration with the enemy.
Pe590409                Snoop almost has a panic attack when Luucy doesn't give him candy until she does. Luci comes out for Sharmy not being arrested (not for president).
Pe590410               Luucy rants about how her cause is for herself. Chuck videotaped that and posts it online to show her incompetence.
Pe590411                 Lins' son is surprised when he finds out that food makes him grow, he thought it was birthdays. Chuck is shown with a majority of the votes.
CB 2311 Lucy 1063 Snoopy 868 Linus 599 Violet 483

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