Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Week 447; Shroe Takes Control of Shermy's Capitol

Pe590426               Lucy launches a lot of garbage onto an under construction Linusian fort which damages it badly and sends the construction crew flying.
Pe590427                Mr. Manager part 49; Luc and Chuckson are very excited that its raining so they can't lose. Lordland withdraws its troops and agrees to keep its soldiers out of Shermy (It's surrounded by Shermy).
Pe590428                Mr. Manager Part 50; Lin says that if it continues to rain they can never play so they never lose. Shroe moves back to Shermy and finds that a third of the rebel groups have either fallen apart or disappeared.
Pe590429               Mr. Manager part 51; Chuckson hopes that it rains after feeling guilty about hoping that it will rain. Lordland starts digging secret tunnels for their army to get to Charlotte Braun.
Pe590430                Mr. Manager part 52; Chuckson decides that there team is doomed when the sun shines. Chuck's party wins a super-majority but Luucy's does surprisingly well
Pe590501               Mr. Manager part 53; The hole team gets mad at Chuckson because he led the team to a 600-0 loss. Shroe takes the capitol and a few cities and towns and sets up the government with the laws the representatives told him to install.
479 244
Pe590502               Mr. Manager part 54; Chuckson reads that his team is the hapless opposition to the team they lost to. Many rebel groups that support The UNOP surrender.
CB 2330 Lucy 1076 Snoopy 875 Patty 651 Linus 605 Violet 485 Schroeder 479 Shermy 244

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