Friday, July 14, 2017

Week 457; Blockhead Research

Pe590705               Mr. Manager part 56; Chuckson hits a ball to Lin who is very far away and he throws it back to him and he falls over with Schroed.
Pe590706                 Snoop hears that Mace's (mouse-human hybrids) are being sent on dangerous star-exploring missions instead of Doge's and he gives a press release and says that that is a healthy trend.
Pe590707               Schroe has a walk in the country side and sees some Lucinian scientists failing to send "safer" Blockhead bombs at country's but they just explode and nothing is destroyed.
Pe590708                  Sally part 30; Luucy and Chuck talk about how upgraded provinces tend to accumulate. Charlie Brown starts funding a scientific process to make Blockhead resistant force fields.
Pe590709                  Luucy tells Schroe that he has pretty eyes which ruins his concentration. Chuck introduces a bill to have every country fund the Blockhead resistant force fields
Pe590710               Sally part 31; Biole and Luucy ask Chuck if Sally's flag looks like Charlie Brown's to make sure it is a good flag. The bill unanimously passes.
Pe590711                Sally part 32; Luucy tells Chuck that girl countries must have pretty flags but boy countries don't need them. Non-Charlie Brownan scientists go to the Blockhead research facility and decides to test the force fields using Blockhead blades.
CB 2378 Lucy 1115 Snoopy 898 Linus 631 Violet 496 Schroeder 489 Shermy 246

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