Sunday, March 20, 2016

Week 68; 4 Schroeders! And No Snoopy's

               Sherm invents a private telephone line for him and Chuck and they try to talk but Snoop messes up the line.
                Schroeder has a Charlie Brownan read a big to the entire country through the big speakers called ears, but he reads the copyright stuff so Schroeder goes into country shutdown to turn of the ears.
                Charlie Brownan sculptors build a tragedy told by winter sculpts with one happy family on one side of the sidewalk under the shade and another not in the shade melting.
                Winter sculpts are made of materials that can be melted so they are only used in the winter.
                CPatricia and Chuck are going on vacation and they’re first stop is the Great Piano and she asks the pianist what he’s playing, but Chuck tells her he doesn’t know since most Schroedarians, like him, can’t read Planetary, which embarrasses the pianist.
                Schroe hears that a performance of Beethoven’s fifth concerto is on radio so he runs home, but he is too late and gets there the moment it ends.
                After CPatricia comes home she is talking with Viole and sees Schroe drop his wallet, and before they give it back they look for a picture of one of them, and find one of Beethoven.
                Chuck gets home and decides to skate with Viole and she says he must like her a lot to skate with her, and he says what he really wants is someone to hang onto.
CB 336 Patty 234 Snoopy 123 Shermy 106 Violet 86 Schroeder 34

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