Thursday, March 31, 2016

Week 89; 2 Many Shermy's

Peanuts               The leader of CB's mother country calls for CB's leader and he has to go through rough terrain to get there, but it turns out she wanted to know where he was and later he tells Patty's leader about it.
Peanuts               Patty, Shermy, and CB's army's have battle practice with Patty's the UNOP defense, Shermy's the attackers and CB's will help both sides.
Peanuts               Chuck gives Viole candy and tries to get her to pick a green piece, but she takes the red one which causes Chuck to get mad since he hates the green ones.
Peanuts                           Viole asks Chuckson if his baseball game was close, and he says that it was Doge eat Doge all the way which annoys Snoop who was walking by. Peanuts               Chuck tells CPatricia that the marbles game he and Sherm are playing is really important, she is worried that it is for money or keeps, and he says it is worse than that, loss of pride.
             Schroe is playing Tchaikovsky and Chuck catches him and embarrasses him and Chuck tells CPatricia about that.
Peanuts               Chuck is eating eating sweetmeats and tricks Batricia into not giving her any by telling her it is sweetmeats.
CB 458 Patty 295 Snoopy 153 Violet 136 Shermy 125 Schroeder 57

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