Monday, March 28, 2016

Week 83; 50 Schroeders!

Peanuts               Chuck takes Lucille down a water slide, but she hits her head when she gets off since that was her first time.
Peanuts               Lucille is bouncing a ball but the cook says that dinner was ready so she walks away and it keeps bouncing which confuses Chuck.

Peanuts                 CPatricia, Schroe and Lucille invite Chuck to play bridge and he thinks it's the card game but it turns out to be London bridge is falling down.
Peanuts               Chuck shows Lucille how to eat candy without Snoop getting it, by asking him to do physical activity, but then he hears them eating and runs back.
Peanuts               Chuck accidentally squirts Viole and Snoop with water and only cleans off Snoop's face which angers Viole.
Peanuts               Snoop finds Schroe's piano and starts playing it until Schroe comes back and kicks him out.
Peanuts               Viole scares Chuck's son by telling him how candy rots teeth causing him never to eat candy again.
CB 419 Patty 279 Snoopy 147 Violet 124 Schroeder 50 Lucy 18 From now on I will only include their count if they appear that week.

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