Friday, March 4, 2016

Weeks 33-34; Patty begins Diplomatic Relations With Schroeder

               After finding out that Violet conquered more of MudPie Chuck asks Muddy why he isn’t given any more Mudpies and she responds that the soil is going through a drought so the citizens need as much Mudpies as they can get.
                Batricia is mad at Sherm and calls him a citizen of Charlie Brown which offends Chuck, who is standing nearby, and Sherm.
                Chuck is about to eat some ice cream when he sees Batricia come by and hides the ice cream then  Snoop sends some dogs to steal the ice cream.
                The kids of a Shermian and Charlie Brownan private go to a birthday party and got in a lot of fights and were kicked out and also didn’t know who the party was for since they invited themselves.
                Smartaleck's leader woke everyone in the temple annoying them.
                Chuck gets a sharp rock in his shoe while walking with Patty and replaces it with a smooth one.
CB 154 Shermy 71 Patty 121 Snoopy 62 Violet 28
                An advertisement is sent to Chuck  and, thinking he was being drafted, has CPatricia read but she clears it up.
                An unknown country calls Snoopy’s leader to get a new shipment of food.
                Viole shows CPatricia her childhood clothes and when CPatricia asks what she’ll do with them and Viole responds that she’ll need them during her second childhood.
                Snoop steals  Chuck’s candy.
                CPatricia  tells Chuck to learn better English to which he responds, its no use I can’t think of anything to say. Also Patty starts diplomatic relations with soon to be independent country, Schroeder.
                The Motherly party representative scolds Chuck for making a lot of noise eating and shows Snoop, who is of a different species, sort of, eating quietly and Chuck’s excuse is Snoop doesn’t have to use a spoon.
CB 158 Shermy 71 Patty 125 Snoopy 65 Violet 29

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