Lins throws a ball at Snoop and it lands on the ground and he hands it to him without moving. The dictator heads out to Shroe with only his two favorite Trusted.
Van Pelt forces Lucy to clean up the country. The dictator is surprised by the entire army of Shroe being there and is captured.
Luucy asks Schroe the likelihood of them being married and he says never in ten-thousand million billion years. Shroe heads to the capitol to reclaim it.
Chuckson throws a high ball but its so low he calls it a grounder. Shroe sells the dictator to Lucy's army in exchange for the country.
Luc gets distracted by the ground so Chuckson yells at her and she calls that a bad management move. Shroe's dictator leaves with his army and begs the Lucinian government to help him.
Chuck tells Viole that people don't like him since he's unpopular. The Lucinian government tells Shroe where the army is.
Luucy tells Chuck about an old contest of Linus and Lucy that never ended with a winner. Shroe heads out so Lucy's army is disabled.
CB 1633 Lucy 603 Snoopy 535 Violet 381 Schroeder 323 Linus 225
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