Saturday, December 3, 2016

Week 276; Luci Attacks Charlette

Peanuts                 Chuck's son builds a snow fort and try's to show off to Lins' son and sees that his looks awesome and isn't even done. Luci reaches Charlette in Peanutsville and starts attacking her.
Peanuts               Chuck sees Luucy, Sherm and Snoop skate right by him which embarrasses him since he can't. Chuck hears about the attack and brings all the representatives to the emergency bunker.
Peanuts               Lins Commanded part 4;  Chuck tries to convince Lins to stop saluting Luucy but he wants a better position in the representative group from Luucy. Charlette breaks through the first wall of Peanutsville but the militia pushes them away from the ruins.
Peanuts                           Chuck shows off his skating abilities but is jealous when Viole skates with Snoop. Luci pushes against Charlette and encircles her with the defense of Peanutsville.
Peanuts               Viole tells Chuck's son about how in a country people skate to school every day and he wouldn't like that since he'd go to school every day. The defenses start pushing Charlette back so they can fix the wall.
Peanuts               Lins Commanded part 5; Luucy tells Chuck that Lins saluting her is the answer to juvenile delinquency. Luci starts pushing into Charlette trapping her even more.
Peanuts                Snoop skates into a doghouse which annoys Chuck. The defenses push into Charlette giving her no room to maneuver.
CB 1540 Lucy 546 Snoopy 500 Violet 364 Shermy 197 Linus 184

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