Monday, December 26, 2016

Week 299; Charlette Fights Shroe

Peanuts                    Pendu walks past Snoop and he thought he was buried alive. Shroe reaches Charlotte Braun and starts cutting it's supply lines.
Peanuts                 Chuck rants about how people need security and Luucy calls him a philosopher. Most of the separate armies of the UNOP countries leave The UNOP Front for their country.
Peanuts                Luucy stands in her back yard all night so a star falls into her backyard. Luci finishes her demands and lets The Outsiders say what they want.
Peanuts               Fake Arrow part 1; Lins' son shoots a fake arrow but it doesn't go far so he kicks it at Chuck. The Outsiders finish their demands and they start the negotiations for real.
Peanuts               Fake Arrow part 2; Lin' son shoots a fake arrow for Snoop to chase far away and he grabs it as it comes out of the bow. Charlette finds out about the supplies being cut and sends an army to stop it.
Peanuts               Fake Arrow part 3; Lins' son and Snoop's son play lion and hunter and Snoop's jumps up and Lins' thinks he's trying to draw his fire. Charlette's army reaches Shroe.
Peanuts                Fake Arrow part 4; Lins' son shoots for Snoop's to catch the arrow but it falls in a hole. Shroe engages Charlotte Braun.
CB 1651 Lucy 615 Snoopy 544 Violet 384 Linus 234 Pig-Pen 42

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