Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Week 300; 300 Weeks!

Peanuts                Snoop catches a bubble and carries it to Chuck but trips over nothing so Chuck calls him deft and clumsy. Shroe defeats Charlotte Braun taking hostage every survivor.
Peanuts               Tree Science part 1; Luucy tells Lins' son that when oak trees ( using one that isn't as an example) get cut down to make knotty-pine recreation rooms. Luci wonders why her new Trusted hasn't returned and sends a spy to Shermy to find out.
Peanuts               Tree Science part 2; Luucy teaches Lins' son how palm trees are called that since you can put your hand around it which annoys Chuck. The spy reach Shermy.
Peanuts                Tree Science part 3; Luucy tells Lins' son that telephone poles are trees made by telephone companies for them which hurts Chuck's stomach. The spy hears from a town to go away since the Shermian rebels conquered it and have banned all other UNOP citizens.
Peanuts                Tree Science part 4; Luucy tells Chuck that his stomach is hurting since he's in love with her. Thy spy gets back to Luci and tells her Shermy was conquered and the entire army was destroyed.
Peanuts               Tree Science part 5; Luucy tells Lins' son that leaves jump off trees so squirrels won't get them, so he moves over to Chuck with a stomach ache. Charlette sends an even bigger army to deal with Shroe.
Peanuts                Snoop figures out how to stand on a ball but he stays there all night. Shroe defeats Charlette's larger army with minimal casualties.
CB 1657 Lucy 620 Snoopy 546 Linus 238

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