Sunday, December 25, 2016

Week 297; A New Country

Peanuts               Snoop tries to scare Lins and Luucy but they just mimic him which annoys him. Lins votes no and Snoop votes yes.
Peanuts               Luucy calls her daughter with a whistle only fussbudgets can hear. Batricia and Biole vote no and force CPatricia and Viole to go with them.
Peanuts               Chuck uses Snoop as a string for his kite. Lins and SmartA vote yes leaving the decision in a tie that no one can break.
Peanuts                Lins hides his face with his blanket but hits a tree and yells that there's no hiding place. Viole starts considering stepping out of Biole's line.
Peanuts                Snoop pretends to be a snake that squeezes people but it looks like he hugged Chuck. Viole changes her vote to yes.
Peanuts               Chuck's son waits for his dad to call him to dinner to feel wanted. Biole starts planning political sabotage on Viole for not voting with her.
Peanuts               Luucy yells at Chuck to believe her.  The old Lucinian government names itself Hucy and Schroeder starts trading with it.
CB 1642 Lucy 609 Snoopy 538 Violet 383 Schroeder 329 Linus 229

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