Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Week 301; Shroe Engages Charlette

Peanuts                Luci try's to have the Linusian military defend itself without all the technology of the wall but it can't deal with defending the country.
Peanuts               Luucy tries to tell an ant to go somewhere else. Charlette finds an escapee who tells her what happened and prepares an army to destroy Shroe.
Peanuts                Luucy's eyebrows raise too much so they hurt. Shroe finishes blocking all the supply lines and starts destroying the lines to the Outsiders.
Peanuts               CPatricia asks Chuck why he just leaves his trash in the back yard (mostly his sons toys) and he says that they will return to the soil. Charlette heads out to defeat Shroe.
Peanuts                Lins' son tells his dad that he can stand on his own two feet, but has to count them. Shroe engages Charlette and has some trouble.
Peanuts                    Hucy ( which still identifies as a child country of Van Pelt) attacks a North Peanutian ally country's sibling country so they have a mini-war, but it's leaders don't understand since they wouldn't get mad if Linus was attacked.
Peanuts               Lins' son has a rant about not needing anyone then has Luucy tie his shoes. Shroe calls help from some of the UNOP because he can't defeat Charlette.
CB 1660 Lucy 625 Patty 591 Linus 242

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