Friday, February 24, 2017

Week 349; Chuck Threatened

Pe570609               Chuck gets sad that he will never get a chance to become President of Charlie Brown but Luucy asks if there was some bizarre happening and he is elected which disgusts her.
19570610                Luucy finds a statue of George Washington and thinks it is Beethoven, when she finds out the truth she thinks they were related. Sherm oversees Shermy's first election for a long time so he leaves to Peanutsville now that Shermy is stable.
Pe570611                    Linus' marble champion's pocket breaks so marbles fall out and he says the pocket leaks. Luci is told that she is now in charge of Charlotte Braun.
Pe570612               Snoop dances in to see Chuck so they can talk. Luci leaves for Charlotte Braun so she can appoint a successor.
Pe570613               Chuck says to Luucy that he wants people to be happy to see him, but Luucy talks about the sky. Luci appoints her successor and abdicates.
Pe570614               Linus sends a grape shipment through it's roads but the Snoopy Scavengers capture the trucks. Some of Chuck's enemies in Charlie Brown create a bill to fire him as a representative.
Pe570615                     Snoopy needs a water shipment to its water pool and has the owner?diplomats (remember them?) ask Charlie Brown to send it them.
CB 1884 Lucy 774 Snoopy 654 Patty 623 Schroeder 377 Linus 332

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