Monday, February 27, 2017

Week 352; August Joins The Outsiders

Pe570630                Snoop blows Lins' hair on his face. The UNOP Front heads to August to capture Charlette and permanently cut the metaphorical head off the snake.
Pe570701                Luucy wakes Snoop up since she can't let sleeping Doge's lie. August tells The UNOP Front that they are invading it and sends an army to stop them.
Pe570702               Luucy calls Viole and Sherm two of a kind, she likes horses and he doesn't. Luci sends a messenger stating that they are harboring a war criminal.
Pe570703                Chuck and Lucille's children are running around singing in the rain and Snoop speaks in Doge language to call them idiots. August tells the messenger that Charlette leads an economic ally and she wishes to protect their ally.
Pe570704                Luucy says that you shouldn't worry about tomorrow since its so close, what you need to worry about is the next day. Luci hears the message and encircles August's army.
Pe570705                  Lins says that its soppping outside and Lucille corrects it as sopping but he corrects her on that. August retaliates the attack by joining the Outsiders.
Pe570706                 Chuck says that Doge's eat grass when they are sick, Snoop tries some and hates it. Pig-Pen sends an army to attack August since it is the closest.
CB 1899 Lucy 785 Snoopy 663 Violet 422 Linus 338 Shermy 219

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