Monday, March 6, 2017

Week 358; Chuck Sends Home A Treaty

Pe570811                       SmartA decides to sleep outside but is scared and runs inside, only to find Snoop sneaked into his tent. The Lucinian partner reaches The Republic of The North to discuss the treaty.
Pe570812                  Chuck's son sees all the kids playing in a a pool, and then swims in a bucket. Chuck and his partner finish the first draft of the treaty and send a copy to the governments of The Republic of The North and The UNOP for edits they want.
Pe570813                    Lins loses his blanket and is worried about being fired so he uses a towel. Later that day he finds it. The governments send the edits they want back.
Pe570814               Luucy brags that she comes from a long line of generations. The diplomats open up the second round of negotiations.
Pe570815               SmartA asks Luucy what is so important about her family and she says it has her in it. The second round of negotiations ends and asks the governments to put the treaty to vote if they are okay with it.
Pe570816               Luucy says that the Van Pelt group has great unity, and then insults Linus. Every country except for The Republic of Shermy says that they are okay with the treaty.
Pe570817               Luucy says that her family had a man who was in the Expansion Wars( these where the wars that gave land to a few villages that have created all country's, this is unimpressive since almost everyone who lives in a country has someone from those wars in their family). Chuck and Sherm head to The Republic of Shermy to convince it's leaders to support the treaty.
CB 1929 Lucy 812 Snoopy 672 Patty 627 Violet 426 Schroeder 382 Linus 352 Shermy 221

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