Monday, March 20, 2017

Week 371; More Than 2000 Charlie Browns!

Pe571110                         Luucy insults Chuck during a minor debate and after he threatens to hit her she says he can't, so he kicks her house. Charlette surrenders on the condition that her country be reformed as a monarchy and the rest of the government not be tried for war crimes.
 Pe571111              Schroe asks Chuck if Charlie Brown needed a wall while it's army was developing and he says no because the country never had any rivals and vandals attacking. Lins then throws his blanket at Chuck because currently Charlie Brown has many vandals trying to take over it. Luci accepts Charlette's surrender.
Pe571112                Charlie Brown sends buttermilk to Snoopy instead of water so the country's capitol gets covered in buttermilk. Luci brings Charlette back to Peanutsville for a trial.
Pe571113               Chuck talks to Luucy about how many people live differently and sees Snoopy lying on his kitchen table and says that lots of people eat and sleep in the same room. Charlette requests that a judge from every combatant in the war oversee the trial and the representatives accept it.
Pe571114               Chuck is happily welcomed home by Snoop so he says that everyone should have a Doge friend greet them when they come home. Luci asks judges to come to Peanutsville.
Pe571115               Lins' son jumps into a pile of leaves and realizes that you shouldn't jump into a pile of leaves holding a wet sucker. The UNOP judges reach Peanutsville.
Pe571116                Batricia insults Pendu but he says that since he and the soil are one so she's insulting the soil. The rest of the judges reach Peanutsville for the trial.
CB 2004 Lucy 859 Snoopy 701 Patty 633 Schroeder 396 Linus 394 Pig-Pen 55

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