Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Week 372; The Trial Begins

Pe571117                 Chuck says he'll fight Luucy on the debate floor of Peanutsville but they all yell for a fight which takes all of his pride when he leaves the building. The trial for Charlette began at the end of that day.
397 56
Pe571118                 Schroe listens to the most popular song in Peanutsville and decides that Peanutsville is in a sad shape. Charlette begins her case for not being executed.
Pe571119                Luucy and Chuck are playing croquet because they have nothing to do during the trial and Luucy breaks a stake by hitting it into a rock. Luci asks for every general in The UNOP to witness against Charlette.
Pe571120                   Lins complains that he gets so many shots he is a dart board. The generals all agree and the few who aren't in Peanutsville head there.
Pe571121               Viole says she hates to see snow come but Chuck says that when snow comes the Christmas provider isn't far behind. Charlette finishes her case and the court goes on recess for a day.
Pe571122                Luucy studies Chuck's ears and decides that they are fat. The Pre's decide that the world is peaceful enough to stat working on a plan for the worldwide league of nations.
Pe571123                  Snoop dances the Snoopy dance and realizes he needs new dances. The court resumes for The UNOP's case.
CB 2009 Lucy 862 Snoopy 703 Patty 634 Violet 432 Schroeder 398 Linus 395 Shermy 225 Pig-Pen 56

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