Thursday, March 9, 2017

Week 361; Charlette Retakes Her Home

Pe570901                The official in charge of sending food shipments complains about his job since Snoopy's Scavenger's always take the food to Snoopian trucks seconds after they send the food into the food storage.
Pe570902               Chuck tells Viole that he thinks his soul is full of weeds. Charlette arranges an attack on the general's meeting place by rebels and escapes with the generals of The Outsiders to retake Charlotte Braun.
Pe570903               Chuck shows Lins' son all the stars and he asks what they are for. Charlette stages a coup against the puppet leader of her country and takes control and kicks the generals out.
Pe570904               Lins' son asks Chuck if he feels insignificant looking at the stars and he says he feels so insignificant that it doesn't bother him. All of the generals who were kicked out of a peace meeting declare war on the Outsiders without asking their government's permission.
Pe570905               Chuck tells Lins' son that the moon influences the tide so he responds that there's nothing like having a little influence. Blockhead sends its entire army to take over a small mining town in Charlie Brown.
Pe570906                Lins' son says hi to a shining star. Blockhead takes over the town and starts planning the next town to take over.
Pe570907               Lins' son tells Luucy that he's rather watch stars than watch T.V. which scares her. Charlie Brown sends a large portion of its army to take out Blockhead's army.
CB 1963 Lucy 822 Snoopy 679 Violet 427 Linus 363

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