Lins' son has a balloon tied to his shirt and it floats away with his shirt. Loalci Isle's Chief of State surrenders their founder to Lucy.
Chuck's son says he likes routine as long as it isn't the same old routine. Luci reaches the island and captures Loal and leaves to Lucy.
Chuck's youngest son ( my ancestor) tells CPatricia that he was afraid he needed to go to school after supper. Loal begs to Luci to set him free but she ignores him.
Lins' son builds a giant boat out of paper. Luci reaches Lucy and bring Loal to the capitol but he escapes and jumps on a new boat.
Snoop lies down in the street so Chuck yells at him until he runs away. Loal starts pirating to steal lots of supplies before heading out to discover new islands.
Chuck's son is so happy his teacher called him the best pupil. Loal gets some crew mates and starts bringing in farming supplies so he can outlast the food he brings with him.
Snoop's son thinks that he killed a leaf by stepping on it. Loal gets his farming supplies and sets off west through the ocean.
CB 1721 Lucy 671 Patty 568 Snoopy 586 Violet 401 Linus 265
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