Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Week 336; Charlette Escapes

Pe570310               Another Kiteboat is sent to scout out what is going on in Charlotte Braun but gets trapped by The Kiteboat Trapper. Lucy tells the captain what to do but it ends up hurting them and leaving them in captivity.
Pe570311               Luucy goes on a rant about how the planet is overpopulating and Lins asks if its so bad, why won't she leave ( she took that as dying). Charlette realizes that she was captured by the adult countries of North Peanuts.
Pe570312                Fuzzy-Face part 1; Chuck calls Snoop fuzzy-face which bothers him. The head of DiploBase (The diplomatic base of operations) finds out about Charlette's shenanigans and sends a scout to find out where New Peanutsville.
Pe570313               Fuzzy-Face part 2; Snoop starts going crazy about being called fuzzy-face. The scout reaches New Peanutsville with the DiploBase flag and starts discussing what to do with Charlette.
Pe570314               Fuzzy-Face part 3; Snoop leaves the Doghouse that he's been staying in to complain to himself about being called fuzzy-face. The leaders of the UNOP demand Charlette's death and send Sharm to observe it.
Pe570315               Fuzzy-Face part 4; Snoop wonders why Chuck called him fuzzy-face since he shouldn't be expected to be clean-shaven. Charlette and her elite mini-army escape using Luci's Blockhead blade, they kill everyone else in the building including Sharm.
Pe570316               Fuzzy-Face part 5; Snoop is called fuzzy-face again and has no idea what to do. The UNOP reveal their location to The Republic of The North and they prepare to invade Charlette's territory.
CB 1815 Lucy 740 Snoopy 629 Linus 307

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