Friday, January 27, 2017

Week 333; Charlette Prepares To Help Blockhead

Pe570217                Chuck loses his winter hat because Snoop sleeps in it. OutBrown ( a Lordland that is near Crater, OutViolet and Blockhead) sends its army into Crater to stop Blockhead's march forward.
Pe570218                Linus' leaders come to Charlie Browns meeting building and stay for hours so when the Charlie Brownan janitor cleans up he remarks Linusians will stay until the last Doge is hung, then realizes a Snoopian is there.
Pe570219               Luucy tells Schroe that Beethoven could have learned from an accordion player so Schroe kicks her off his piano and then she remarks he couldn't learn from others. Blockhead is pushed back to it's original size.
Pe570220                Chuck reads to Schroe's son (he wants to go back to the place he was in 1951) about Beethoven and when he says Beethoven was sad Schroe's son wonders how anyone could be Beethoven and not be happy. The Military Lordland of Charlie Brown starts making a plan to save Blockhead.
Pe570221               Luucy tries to make a joke about accordion players so Schroe leaves. The Republic of The North starts drafting soldiers into their army.
Pe570222               Schroe tries to prove that his piano brand is famous by making up famous pianists that use it. Charlette decides to fund Blockhead to defeat the enemy Lordlands.
Pe570223               Biole doesn't invite Chuck to a party and when he says he likes parties he realizes that he's never been to a party. The Pre's send some spies to see what cracks are in Charlette's Lordlands.
CB 1804 Lucy 731 Snoopy 622 Violet 411 Schroeder 362

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