Thursday, January 26, 2017

Week 332; New Peanutsville Is Boring

Pe570210                 The Linusian government is having a lunch break and when Snoopy's scavengers come up to get the food (they've been bored with nothing to do since Snoopy was conquered) it has the army build a mini wall.
Pe570211                Violet's leader snaps at Charlie Brown's with its crazy plans for conquering Charlette and he yells that he doesn't care if the she doesn't like the ideas, Schroeder's walks up and asks why it's so quiet and he says that's as loud as he can yell while still meaning it.
Pe570212                Lucy's Chief of State remarks that the whole world is covered in a wall of snow and Linus' thinks she's talking about building a wall around New Peanutsville and asks if someone mentioned a wall.
Pe570213                Snoopy's scavengers go crazy due to the snow so when Chuck throws a popcorn at them to calm then down so they can scavenger something, they run away thinking its a snowflake.
Pe570214                Fuss Awards part 1; The Lucinian Chief Of State shows Chuck the countries award for best fussbudgets in the world with Lucy 3 years in away and tells him on the top it was a fussbudget fussing. (The leaders have been bored with nothing to do).
Pe570215               Fuss Awards part 2; Lucille shows Chuck her fussbudget award for Hennepin county which was the first fussbudget award given for a Lucinian. OutViolet charges Blockhead and conquers the area gained in the Lordlands transformation.
Pe570216                Fuss Awards part 3; Lucy's Chief Of State goes on a rant about how fast Lucinians won fussbudget awards globally. The Yard is stopped from gaining more land by Snoopy's Lordlands.
CB 1799 Lucy 729 Snoopy 620 Violet 410 Schroeder 358 Linus 300

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