Saturday, January 21, 2017

Week 328; Charlette Expands Her Border

Pe570113                 Lins' son finds his mittens and asks for pie from Luucy because of that but she refuses so he regrets finding them. Charlette creates a parliament in Peanutsville and brings representatives from all the Lordlands (and herself).
Pe570114               Chuck went skiing in his giant coat and needs to wait outside for an hour before being let in. Charlette's parliament meets and starts giving roles to each official.
Pe570115               CPatricia and Viole walk past Chuck in his coat and wonder if anybody was in there. Charlette is voted prime minister and she appoints the member representing Blockhead ( which as a Lordland include much of nearby Violet and Charlie Brown) as her second in command.
Pe570116               Luucy tries to convince Lins' son to stop having a blanket to represent the wall to keep him safe, but retorts that without the blanket we won't celebrate any holiday, not even Bastille Day. The little area that the government of the UNOP occupies is named New Peanutsville.
               Note: You may wonder why some of these use Earth names instead of names on Schulz, that's because some Archive entries we have are only available through Charles Monroe Schulz's comic which did some editing. He stole the originals from us as well which is another reason it mentions stuff from Earth.
Pe570117                  Lins' son yells at Luucy for thinking she's smart since she's older than him. Charlette introduces a bill to the parliament that will let her send an army to conquer SmartAleck.
Pe570118               Snoop gets full on snowflakes before he "turns into a blizzard". The bill is passed (probably due to bribery) and Charlette prepares an army to conquer SmartAleck.
Pe570119                Lins shows himself off as a giant then Luucy says he's not so he corrects himself as an industrial giant. Charlette marches to SmartAleck.
CB 1780 Lucy 716 Snoopy 612 Patty 575 Violet 408 Linus 294

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