Friday, January 20, 2017

Week 327; Charlette Starts Messing With Borders

Pe570106                Lins' son threatens to slug Luucy's daughter but she tells on him and he gets in trouble, then she threatens to slug him back. The Shermian nations explain their plan to Charlette so she doesn't conquer them.
285 ( I've decided to stop counting Linus' appearances under the strip starting know)
Pe570107               New Fussbudgeting part 1; Luucy's shows off her new way of fussbudgeting, stereophonic-fussing, with Lins' son. Charlette marches into Shermy and resurrects the Lordlands.
Pe570108                New Fussbudgeting part 2; Luucy and Lins' children demonstrate stereophonic-fussing by fussing separately and then using the new technique. Charlette starts creating Lordlands all over The UNOP, some even within two countries.
Pe570109                New Fussbudgeting part 3; Luucy and Lins' children show Chuck Hi-FI fussing. Charlette declares every country in the Outsiders and The UNOP one nation and starts creating Lordlands and messing with borders everywhere except Charlotte Braun.
Pe570110               New Fussbudgeting part 4; Luucy's daughter gets really excited about stereophonic-fussing. Luci and Shroe reach there imprisonment and are interrogated for information on where the UNOP government is.
Pe570111               New Fussbudgeting part 5; Luucy and Lins' children perfect the art of stereophonic-fussing. Charlette starts declaring some Lordlands "nations".
Pe570112               New Fussbudgeting part 5; Chuck tries to convince Luucy's daughter to stop stereophonic-fussing by playing to the love of her family but she says she doesn't win number-one fussbudget awards by being sentimental. That night everyone who knows how stereophonic-fussing works forgets it.
CB 1778 Lucy 712 Linus 290

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