Saturday, May 7, 2016

Week 147; All Charlie Brown's and 4 Schroeder's!!!

Peanuts                 Schroeder and peaceful ( really just Lucy that has good international relations) lose a canon that is used to help free Charlie Brown and they get the Charlie Brown army from Schroedermy to help them get it out of a water palace and they are able to liberate Charlie Brown mostly.
Peanuts               Schroe's son tells Chuck that he's practicing Bach day and night and Chuck says that its nice that he has a hobby and asks what he intends to do for a living, play piano. Schroeder, peaceful Lucy and Charlie Brown kick the Shermian islands out of Charlie Brown completely.
Peanuts                Charlie Brown lands an airship on the Great Piano and are told to get off of it even though its not solid mahogany its at least solid plasticdiamond a very strong mineral that we ran out of before recorded history on Earth.
Peanuts                           Chuck is right about the meaning of a word and rants to Viole about it so she says he has a homely face. Patty sends its secondary general to help Shermy.
 Peanuts                 SmartA's son asks Schroe how to spell list and he says Liszt the composer which makes him confused. Patty's secondary makes it to Shermy and hikes through a large mountain range to surprise Lucy and push them out completely.
Peanuts               The Charlie Brownan army is lonesome since Shermy and Schroedermy have sent people to space and are exploring the space.
Peanuts               Chuck licks his fingers and puts his hand in popcorn and Luucy goes on a long rant about how bad it is so he dumps the popcorn on her head. Patty charges into Lucy and crushes a lot of the army before retreating into the Violet army.
CB 907 Patty 422 Snoopy 244 Violet 209 Lucy 186 Shermy 153 Schroeder 137

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