Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Week 157; A Cure To Help

Peanuts               Lucy goes through a path to get to Schroeder from Violet and Snoopy tries to follow but they get hurt so they don't attack Lucy when the next segment comes but then they attack the remaining third of the army and take out a good chunk with the help of their allies before retreating.
Peanuts                 SmartA and Sherm are making fun of a picture in the paper and CPatricia asks why and they say because they don't understand it. The Yard discovers a cure for Stalin.
Peanuts               Snoopy sees the Leaf brigade from Yard and chases it for the cure and then see thousands of brigades like it so it can't get the cure but it searches for it.
Peanuts               Chuck shows Luucy all the stars and she says she thinks there is about ten. Linus finally gets a meh leader and decides to follow the United Nations of Peanuts and starts abandoning the country.
Peanuts                Schroe looks for music for piano and cigar-box banjo but can't find any and apologizes to Chuck. Linus begins shadowing Lucy and starts bringing healthy people to Peanutsville.
Peanuts               Lucy makes a little tiny mountain and shows it to Charlie Brown which thinks that that's grammatically incorrect. The rebels in Lucy and recent territory of Lucy secretly raise the archive anniversary flag. If you look at the last year you'll see that the year before Chuck's son was in Peanutsville the enemy was the Outsiders and Lucy was an ally.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown's football champion is yelling signals and and Lucy's suggests that he mixes up the numbers instead of saying them in the right order, and he was doing what she suggested. Snoopy finally gets the cure for Stalin and heads for Peanutsville with it.
CB 953 Patty 434 Snoopy 267 Lucy 210 Shermy 160 Schroeder 149

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