Monday, May 23, 2016

Week 163; Lots Of Schroeder

Peanuts                The Great Piano adds a conducting station and the first conductor hits a Snoopian who is watching. Shroe realizes that the battle will last a long time so he goes and starts training new members of the army in battle strategies.
Peanuts               The Snoopian army notices an economy booster and then gets hurt by Schroeder, Charlie Brown and Shermy getting economy booster.
Peanuts               Violet asks Lucy what position they are in the Van Pelt family line and they say third over Linus. Violet is able to block another reinforcement line to Lucy and starts pushing forward.
Peanuts               A conductor is conducting without a baton or band and gets embarrassed when caught. Schroeder's father country decides to help make the Great Piano even better.
Peanuts               Schroe is playing the piano for a Snoopian polka and he tells Chuck that there's nothing like it when danced by an expert. One Shermy starts fighting Island Pride over Shermy.
Peanuts                Chuck's son tells his Pattian friend that he's quitting school and she says he can't since he has 12 more years so he runs away. Conservative Shermy starts trying to take control legally.
Peanuts                                Lucy gets hurt and Violet listens to why, its basically because of the battle and the conversation gives Snoopy time to cut off a portion of Lucy.
CB 984 Patty 447 Snoopy 283 Violet 229 Lucy 225 Shermy 164 Schroeder 159

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