Sunday, May 22, 2016

Week 161; Rebellion

Peanuts               Violet, Patty and Schroeder are waiting for Charlie Brown to come help them get supplies from older countries and its help is carrying the supplies.
Peanuts               Chuck's son and his Pattian friend run to school and almost miss it while a Snoopian says its nice being a Doge. Someone assassinates the Shermian leader so all the rebel groups start fighting over who assassinated him.
Peanuts                Lucy demands that a stamp shipment is sent from Charlie Brown and then is mad that it went through the country so the truck crashes into the capitol.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown mock attacks Snoopy disguised as it so Snoopy attacks Charlie Brown disguised as it. The One Shermy rebel group gets a leader on Shermy's throne until a true leader gets on the throne and adds all of them to the army or government.
Peanuts                              Patty has Lucy tell it its plan to get supplies so The UNOP Front can cut them off from help and supplies, but Backup is finished training and they prepare to free the rest of the Lucinian fourth army.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown says that the new Lucinian militia won't hurt anything so they threaten to use all the supplies to attack Charlie Brown so it says its very effective.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown tries to use a militia to get supplies but fails since the militia has faulty supplies. Lucy gets many militias to join the backup portion of the army.
CB 976 Patty 445 Snoopy 276 Violet 227 Lucy 220 Schroeder 154

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