Sunday, May 8, 2016

Week 148; One Battle Ends, And Another Begins

Peanuts                Muddy's daughter makes Chuck a mudpie and he only licks of the sugar. Charlotte Braun and Schroedermy realize Lucy is wide open to attack and march on the country, with peaceful Lucy's permission.
Peanuts               Chuck suggests to Shroe to play in a fireplace to practice playing in big concert halls. Charlotte Braun reaches Lucy and walks on the capitol and takes over while Schroedermy guards the borders.
Peanuts                     Lucy gives Snoopy instructions to let it through so it attacks Lucy then Lucy uses the same tactics and breaks through to march on Lucy.
Peanuts               CPatricia loses the nozzle for the hose and Chuck says that she's stupid since she lost the schnozzle and she corrects him. Lucy reaches Lucy so Shermy is finally liberated and The UNOP Front turn their focus to Lucy.
Peanuts                 Lucy is punished for the war and its leaders in exile act ornery the entire day which is just enough time for The UNOP Front to guard all entrance to Lucy.
Peanuts               SmartA reads to Snoop that Doges act by instinct which angers him because SmartA's rubbing it in. Lucy prepares to cross the Lucinian mountains which are the most dangerous mountains on Schulz.
Peanuts                Sherm gives Chuck some ice cream though he asks for plaid, gray and chartreuse ice cream since vanilla bores him. Lucy begins the crossing of the Lucinian mountains.
CB 912 Patty 425 Snoopy 246 Violet 210 Lucy 188 Shermy 154 Schroeder 138

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