Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Week 143; Linus Returns

Peanuts               Linus finally gets enough supplies to help New Shermy which is losing ground every hour and when it sends the army out Lucy takes the supplies since " Van Pelt wants all the children countries army supplies set to the capitol" in reality Lucy needed supplies to help its army.
Peanuts               Luucy investigates a bug all morning until Chuck says its a mark on the sidewalk. The Charlie Brownan army gets an order from New Shermy that gives The UNOP Front free passage through all Lordlands.
Peanuts               CPatricia asks Chuckson if his team is behind and he says yes but they won't give up until the last Doge is hung so Snoop runs away. The UNOP Front starts attacking  Lucy after finally getting through the Lordlands.
Peanuts               The Snoopian army gets hurt by a Charlie Brownan economy booster. Linus sends out diplomats so many Lordlands will join New Shermy to attempt to unite the country, but.. ( It won't be told next comic)
Peanuts               Luucy tells Chuck to stop leaving his drawer in the capitol building closed since its always cold. Later the leader of Linus finally gets his army out to help Shermy.
Peanuts               CPatricia is looking at the calendar and notices there is a ring around the 4th of August and Chuck says that's because its Snoopy Day. The Linus leader gets other politicians who want to improve diplomatic relations with other countries.
Peanuts               Chuck finds a quarter and rejoices over what he can buy, then Luucy picks it up. The Battle of Shermy begins, it features no strategy just combat and was one of the deadliest battles in the history of the planet.
Retcons: The planet isn't Peanuts its Schulz and instead of dog slave-trade countries being dogs Doge run countries are dogs.
CB 885 Patty 418 Snoopy 242 Lucy 169 Linus 29

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