Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Week 159; The Fourth Lucinian Army

Peanuts                 During the Peanutsville croquet game the stuff above happens and Lucy facts adds that you can't bounce a croquet ball to its facts. The Unites Nations of Peanuts starts taking control of its former land while Lucy's two armies are trapped.
Peanuts                  Chuck tells Schroe that the day is Columbus day and he asks what Columbus composed. Charlie Brown, Schroeder and Snoopy are completely reclaimed.
Peanuts                Chuck is laughed at by Batricia and Biole for thinking that he'll become leader of Charlie Brown. Linus Patty and Violet are reclaimed giving more force to the attack of the two Lucinian armies.
Peanuts               Chuck shows CPatricia that Snoop is holding his ears up making people think the wind is blowing. The smaller Lucinian army is defeated and the few survivors retreat and begin mobilizing the fourth Lucinian army.
            I say fourth since the first one was led by Luci, the second one is trapped and the third was just destroyed.
Peanuts                CPatricia invites Chuck to a party and he talks about how bad he is so she makes him uninvited. The second Lucinian army is destroyed and the survivors retreat to the fourth army as The UNOP Front reaches Lucy.
Peanuts               Chuck's son is imagining himself as a football player and then sees some Snoopians watching and walks away embarrassed. The United Nations of Peanuts is completely repopulated and the cure for Stalin is administered.
Peanuts               Chuck sees Lucille throw an empty old candy bag on the ground which depresses him. The UNOP Front begins securing the new land in Lucy making sure Lucy can't take it back easily.
CB 964 Patty 440 Snoopy 272 Violet 224 Lucy 214 Shermy 162 Schroeder 151

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