Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Week 165; Linus Helps Shermy ( Without Either Of Them Appearing)

Peanuts               Charlie Brown's checkers champion loses for the 8,003rd time in a row but is able to laugh it off so she quits since he was a good loser. The Chaos rebel group starts bombing everywhere in Shermy so the other rebels, Lordlands and Linus decide to stop them so there's either something to fight over or something to save.
Peanuts               Snoopy's scavengers are tired and hear food shipments heading to Charlie Brown' and don't ask for them since that food was sent to a portion of the army that was falling back. This enabled them to hold back the Lucinians for a long time.
Peanuts               CPatricia is drawing a picture of Chuck and Luucy thinks its a moon, so he chases her. Linus takes down the main Chaos army so the rebels and Lordlands can finish the rebel group off.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown finishes a shipment so Snoopy's scavengers shoot the ground but that is stopped. Linus finds a good leader for Shermy and starts to try to make him leader.
Peanuts                Violet kicks Charlie Brown out even though they aren't allowed into Charlie Brown so they make a city in no mans land which becomes a stop for armies resting and getting supplies. Linus gets New Shermy, Pro-merge, Boy, Liberal and One Shermy to merge and support their leader.
Peanuts               Lucy's army gets hurt so Patty gives them faulty canons and the army asks how that helped, and then the canons explode.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown gets Snoopy to be on only to reinforce the gates correctly and shut down again. Conservative Shermy starts supporting the good leader, but not becoming part of the main group.
CB 993 Patty 450 Snoopy 289 Lucy 230 Violet 230 Yes!!

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