Thursday, May 5, 2016

Week 145; Three Shermy's!! Aughhh! Plus 7 Independent Nations I Guess

Peanuts                6 Lordlands become countries and join the Outsiders which are Sitter, Crown, Glasses, No Shirt, Hatter and Shovelor. Charlie Brown's Lordlands segment say they want to be alone, until they feel it and go training with the above 6 Patty, Schroeder and Violet.
I know that these are unimaginative new names, but I'm basing them on what they do or wear in their frame and that's what they do or wear.
Peanuts                 Chuck is slurping ice cream and Luucy thinks its pigs and starts looking for them. Violet breaks through Lucy and reaches New Shermy and resupplies for a few hours then starts breaking through Lucy the other way.
Peanuts               Chuck thinks CPatricia and Viole are talking about him which worries him. Linus sends diplomats to the 6 new countries asking for them to help The Republic of Shermy in exchange for their independence.
Peanuts                        Chuck has Lucille call for Sherm really loudly to get his attention. Schroedermy declares its independence from The Republic of Shermy and officially joins the Outsiders.
Peanuts               Lucy attacks Charlie Brow despite being warned of the consequences and the army that did it is chased into Schroedermy and is trapped but still fight very hard.
Peanuts                Luucy drops her mudpie in the mud and Chuck suggests to pick it up but she can't find it. Linus gets the 6 new countries to sign the agreement and is about to develop stage 4 of government but... ( The thing I foreshadowed awhile back is the next comic)
Peanuts                 Linus's leader is assassinated which seriously dampens their governments ability to work. Charlie Brown sends an economy booster to snoopy and it gets lost in Shermy and Snoopy tries to get it but can't and Charlie Brown is initially mad until Shermy tells it what happened.
CB 899 Patty 421 Snoopy 243 Violet 205 Lucy 178 Shermy 150 Schroeder 132

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