Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Week 303; The Yard Builds A Capitol

Peanuts                 Luucy yells at the sky to stop raining. Charlette hears about the peace and starts trying to hide her decisions from the UNOP.
Peanuts               Luucy's daughter brags about going downtown to Lins' son and he's happy for her which annoys her. Charlette starts planning how to end the peace.
Peanuts               Snoop pretends to be a snake that squeezes people, but is to embarrassed to squeeze Luucy. The UNOP asks for the book of laws for every Outsiders so they look at what to veto.
Peanuts                Chuck pretends to be afraid of Snoop squeezing him to make him happy. Charlette sends a limited law book to the UNOP while the rest of the Outsiders send their real one.
Peanuts                 Luucy starts calculating how many times kids have skinned there knees. The UNOP veto the law for the Yard that only allows camps for citizens to live in.
Peanuts               Chuck builds a birdhouse for sparrows since he sticks up for the underbird. The Yard starts building a city as a capitol due to the veto.
Peanuts               Viole asks Chuck if he wants to go to her party and she says she won't invite him so he complains about no trees to hit his head against. The UNOP starts trying to rebuild the Lucinian government, since it doesn't exist.
CB 1668 Lucy 633 Snoopy 548 Violet 389 Schroeder 333 Linus 246

Week 302; Peace Between UNOP And The Outsiders

Peanuts                Linu catches a ball after jumping through a jump rope and Chuckson calls it the greatest catch ever. The Charlie Brownan army heads to Charlotte Braun.
243 332
Peanuts               Luci tries to convince Linus to shut down the wall saying that it will be useless when the wall is 10, 20 or 30 years old, a kid of the communicator intercepts it and says countries don't last that long ( Luci was wrong).
Peanuts                Luci tries to convince Linus to stop blocking the roadway shipments since it will break the roads, and the leader retorts would she rather Linus have broken roads or a corrupt government.
Peanuts               Chuck builds a birdhouse and Sherm tells him what he's supposed to do and he says that he's never done anything right in his life and he's not going to start then. Charlie Brown's army reaches Shroe and attacks Charlette.
Peanuts                Viole tells Luucy that her great-grandmother had 15 children and Luucy says her automatic washer was going day and night. Luci finishes the peace treaty giving The UNOP veto power in all decisions and only defense military for The Outsiders. The Outsiders gain the ability to not being attacked.
Peanuts                       CPatricia tells Chuck's son that all children suffer a severe sense of inferiority and he agrees so much that she runs away. The Outsider negotiators are set free to tell the rest of the Outsiders.
Peanuts                         Chuck gives a rant to Viole and cries because of it. Shroe hears about the peace treaty and leaves Charlotte Braun for Schroeder.
CB 1664 Lucy 629 Patty 593 Violet 387 Schroeder 332 Linus 245 Shermy 206

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Week 301; Shroe Engages Charlette

Peanuts                Luci try's to have the Linusian military defend itself without all the technology of the wall but it can't deal with defending the country.
Peanuts               Luucy tries to tell an ant to go somewhere else. Charlette finds an escapee who tells her what happened and prepares an army to destroy Shroe.
Peanuts                Luucy's eyebrows raise too much so they hurt. Shroe finishes blocking all the supply lines and starts destroying the lines to the Outsiders.
Peanuts               CPatricia asks Chuck why he just leaves his trash in the back yard (mostly his sons toys) and he says that they will return to the soil. Charlette heads out to defeat Shroe.
Peanuts                Lins' son tells his dad that he can stand on his own two feet, but has to count them. Shroe engages Charlette and has some trouble.
Peanuts                    Hucy ( which still identifies as a child country of Van Pelt) attacks a North Peanutian ally country's sibling country so they have a mini-war, but it's leaders don't understand since they wouldn't get mad if Linus was attacked.
Peanuts               Lins' son has a rant about not needing anyone then has Luucy tie his shoes. Shroe calls help from some of the UNOP because he can't defeat Charlette.
CB 1660 Lucy 625 Patty 591 Linus 242

Week 300; 300 Weeks!

Peanuts                Snoop catches a bubble and carries it to Chuck but trips over nothing so Chuck calls him deft and clumsy. Shroe defeats Charlotte Braun taking hostage every survivor.
Peanuts               Tree Science part 1; Luucy tells Lins' son that when oak trees ( using one that isn't as an example) get cut down to make knotty-pine recreation rooms. Luci wonders why her new Trusted hasn't returned and sends a spy to Shermy to find out.
Peanuts               Tree Science part 2; Luucy teaches Lins' son how palm trees are called that since you can put your hand around it which annoys Chuck. The spy reach Shermy.
Peanuts                Tree Science part 3; Luucy tells Lins' son that telephone poles are trees made by telephone companies for them which hurts Chuck's stomach. The spy hears from a town to go away since the Shermian rebels conquered it and have banned all other UNOP citizens.
Peanuts                Tree Science part 4; Luucy tells Chuck that his stomach is hurting since he's in love with her. Thy spy gets back to Luci and tells her Shermy was conquered and the entire army was destroyed.
Peanuts               Tree Science part 5; Luucy tells Lins' son that leaves jump off trees so squirrels won't get them, so he moves over to Chuck with a stomach ache. Charlette sends an even bigger army to deal with Shroe.
Peanuts                Snoop figures out how to stand on a ball but he stays there all night. Shroe defeats Charlette's larger army with minimal casualties.
CB 1657 Lucy 620 Snoopy 546 Linus 238

Monday, December 26, 2016

Week 299; Charlette Fights Shroe

Peanuts                    Pendu walks past Snoop and he thought he was buried alive. Shroe reaches Charlotte Braun and starts cutting it's supply lines.
Peanuts                 Chuck rants about how people need security and Luucy calls him a philosopher. Most of the separate armies of the UNOP countries leave The UNOP Front for their country.
Peanuts                Luucy stands in her back yard all night so a star falls into her backyard. Luci finishes her demands and lets The Outsiders say what they want.
Peanuts               Fake Arrow part 1; Lins' son shoots a fake arrow but it doesn't go far so he kicks it at Chuck. The Outsiders finish their demands and they start the negotiations for real.
Peanuts               Fake Arrow part 2; Lin' son shoots a fake arrow for Snoop to chase far away and he grabs it as it comes out of the bow. Charlette finds out about the supplies being cut and sends an army to stop it.
Peanuts               Fake Arrow part 3; Lins' son and Snoop's son play lion and hunter and Snoop's jumps up and Lins' thinks he's trying to draw his fire. Charlette's army reaches Shroe.
Peanuts                Fake Arrow part 4; Lins' son shoots for Snoop's to catch the arrow but it falls in a hole. Shroe engages Charlotte Braun.
CB 1651 Lucy 615 Snoopy 544 Violet 384 Linus 234 Pig-Pen 42

Week 298; Charlette Returns

Peanuts               Another kiteboat gets trapped by the Kiteboat Trapper and Hucy yells at it and all the kiteboats are released. Charlette hears about it and traps many of the kiteboats, none of them were Charlie Brown's which were saved by Hucy.
Peanuts                 Lins tries to draw a horse in the air but fails. Charlette heads back to Charlotte Braun after picking up on the news.
Peanuts               Pendu's son reaches the point of "no return" meaning he can't clean himself. Charlette reaches Charlotte Braun and starts sneaking into the capitol.
Peanuts                 Schroe says Luucy would help him if she went away and she says he's fighting against inspiration. Charlette reaches the capitol and declares slavery legal.
Peanuts                Chuck has Snoop bring a ball to Luucy who is annoyed that it took him so long. Charlette starts defining who is acceptable for slavery.
Peanuts               Luucy shows Schroe a picture of Elvis Presley I saying yes, sir, boy! Charlette has everyone with a life sentence become a slave to grow the population.
Peanuts               Chuck tells Snoop that he doesn't care that he sits in the croquet field so he leaves. Luci hears about Charlette's return and sends Shroe to deal with her before The Outsider's diplomats find out.
CB 1646 Lucy 613 Snoopy 540 Schroeder 331 Linus 230 Pig-Pen 41

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Week 297; A New Country

Peanuts               Snoop tries to scare Lins and Luucy but they just mimic him which annoys him. Lins votes no and Snoop votes yes.
Peanuts               Luucy calls her daughter with a whistle only fussbudgets can hear. Batricia and Biole vote no and force CPatricia and Viole to go with them.
Peanuts               Chuck uses Snoop as a string for his kite. Lins and SmartA vote yes leaving the decision in a tie that no one can break.
Peanuts                Lins hides his face with his blanket but hits a tree and yells that there's no hiding place. Viole starts considering stepping out of Biole's line.
Peanuts                Snoop pretends to be a snake that squeezes people but it looks like he hugged Chuck. Viole changes her vote to yes.
Peanuts               Chuck's son waits for his dad to call him to dinner to feel wanted. Biole starts planning political sabotage on Viole for not voting with her.
Peanuts               Luucy yells at Chuck to believe her.  The old Lucinian government names itself Hucy and Schroeder starts trading with it.
CB 1642 Lucy 609 Snoopy 538 Violet 383 Schroeder 329 Linus 229

Week 296; Beethoven Hall

Peanuts                Luucy shows Chuck how Lins draws in the air. Shroe disables the Lucinian army and holds its general hostage to persuade the Outsiders to accept Luci's terms.
Peanuts                       Lucille tells Chuck that Lins failed his exam to special training. Luci releases the diplomats of the Outsiders to negotiate with them.
Peanuts                           Beethoven Hall part 1; Chuck tells Schroe about the new Beethoven hall being built in North Peanuts and he has his government start raising money for it.
Peanuts               Beethoven Hall part 2;  Schroe asks Luucy for a donation for the hall and she donates fake money. Shroe asks the UNOP for official recognition of Lucy's old government.
Peanuts                Beethoven Hall part 3; Schroe tells Luucy how much the Beethoven Hall is going to cost and she says that they need a G.I. loan. The representatives put the recognition to vote.
Peanuts               Beethoven Hall part 4; Schroe asks Viole for donation for a memorial hall for the greatest composer ever, and she says there was already one for Stephen Foster. Lucille votes yes but no one else can decide.
Peanuts               Beethoven Hall part 5; Schroe is annoyed that he only made 6 cents and apologizes to the Great Piano and its head creates a smile. Sherm votes no and Chuck and Schroe vote yes.
CB 1636 Lucy 607 Violet 382 Schroeder 328 Linus 227