Friday, April 21, 2017

Weeek 400; Chuck Returns Home

Pe580601                Luucy asks the advice giver in the newspaper what to do about the fact that she loves Schroe and it tells her not to fall in love with a musician. Chuck returns home.
Pe580602               Snoop observes ants and decides he would make a lousy one. Charlette has the assistant war adviser assassinated so she becomes it.
Pe580603                Luucy yells at Chuck so loudly that she hurts Snoop's ears. Charlette decides to scare the war adviser into resigning or kill him.
Pe580604               Luucy talks about how she lives life one second at time, every second talking about how good the previous second was. Charlette is forced to assassinate the war adviser putting her in that job.
Pe580605               Chuck says that some doges are born watch doges or hunting doges but Snoop says they are born to sleep in the sun. Charlette is given permission to start rebuilding their broken army.
Pe580606               Lins says he loves everybody including gila monsters even though he's never heard of one. Charlette starts trying to appoint as many of her closest allies as generals.
Pe580607                 Lins says that he loves without thinking. Many of Charlette's appointments are vetoed by the leader so she plans to make sure her successor is on her side.
CB 2144 Lucy 927 Snoopy 762 Linus 462 Schroeder 434

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