Friday, April 14, 2017

Week 394; Charlette Surrenders

Pe580420                Charlie Brown tries to send a kiteboat fleet to defend Lucy but they get trapped so Luci has to free the crews.
Pe580421               Mr. Manager part 27; When Chuckson says he has a ball Luc says that she doesn't care over and over. Charlette attacks Lucy by having more of her spies try to overthrow the government.
Pe580422               Mr. Manager part 28; Lin hits a ball and throws his blanket on Schroed's head. Charlette takes over a coastal city.
Pe580423               Mr. Manager part 29; Chuckson tells Luc the signals but she talks about how being a bird would be fun. Luci moves her army to take out Charlette.
Pe580424               Mr. Manager part 30 ( First Game part 1); Chuckson looks at the teams batting and fielding average and his stomach hurts. Charlette retreats out of the city and moves to her home in Charlotte Braun.
Pe580425               Mr. Manager part 31 ( First Game part 2); Chuckson is sad that he is sick for his first game. Charlette takes over Charlotte Braun so Luci moves to it.
Pe580426                Mr. Manager part 32 (First Game part 3); Luc, Lin and Schroed tell Chuckson that they won their first game and they didn't miss him. Charlette decides to surrender.
CB 2118 Lucy 913 Linus 446 Schroeder 430

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