Saturday, April 1, 2017

Week 383; Charlette In Retreat

Pe580202               Snoopian rebels try to capture Linus' wall but are defeated and the wall general remarks that security is like liberty in that it has to be won and re won many times.
Pe580203               Snoop eats peanut butter making his face look funny which Schulz found important enough to include in the archives. Many oppressed cities in The Outsiders hear of the good treatment of The UNOP's new territory and start helping them.
Pe580204               Snicker-snacks part 1; Chuck's son is happy because snicker-snacks are now shaped like satellites of Schulz. Charlette has her police force shut down the cities that are in rebellion.
Pe580205                 Snick-Snacks part 2; Chuck's son says that the premium's from snicker-snacks are personal gifts from his friends at the snicker-snack plant. Charlette shuts down the rebels but her police force was decimated.
Pe580206               Snicker-Snacks part 3; Chuck's son says that he feels obliged to eat snicker-snacks for the people at the snicker-snack plant. 10% of Charlette's police force and army rebel against her forcing her to retreat into The Yards territory.
Pe580207               Snicker-Snacks part 4; Chuck's son says that the people who make snicker-snacks are humanitarians. Luci meets with The UNOP's allies and they prepare for a plan to take out Charlette.
Pe580208               Snicker-Snacks part 5; Chuck's son swears a vow against snicker-snacks after finding out they were made by a for-profit organization. Charlette prepares her counterattack plan.
CB 2062 Snoopy 737 Patty 639 Linus 426 Shermy 232

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