Sunday, April 2, 2017

Week 384; The Outsiders move to Cie

Pe580209               Lins wants to sled down a hill but there is a tree in his way. Shermy's army invades the Shermian nations to stop them from sending more supplies to Charlette.
Pe580210               Luci tells Linus' general that Linus will still have a wall when it's 20 years old and he says that means it will never be dragged into wars.
Pe580211               Luci tells Lins' general that walls are the opiate of hopelessly weak countries so he says that she keeps insulting him.
Pe580212               Biole insults Chuck by telling him the valentine she would have given him, than saying it would have been a waste. Shermy recaptures Schroedermy.
Pe580213               Luucy tells Chuck the valentine she was going to get him, then that it would have been a waste. Celebrations throughout the UNOP occur for the recapture of Schroedermy.
Pe580214                 Batricia gives Chuck a valentine, a real cheap one, and is over the moon for it. Charlette makes a bold move by putting all of her soldiers in navy vessels and sailing to North Peanuts by night.
Pe580215               Snoop is sad that he'll always be a Doge. Luci conquers The Yard before finding out that Charlette has landed in the former territory of Cie and begins to conquer it.
CB 2065 Lucy 887 Snoopy 738 Patty 640 Violet 438 Linus 429

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