Thursday, April 27, 2017

Week 406; Chuck Opens The Convention

Pe580713                Snoopy"s Scavengers try to steal Linus' wall but find it disappeared, it was sent to the Great Piano. Linus sends Lins, a member of the baby party and 3 more of Lins' allies.
Pe580714                Linus try's to get Snoop to ask for an economy booster but they don't volunteer. Charlie Brown, Lucy and Snoopy send many representatives including everyone who has been a representative and Luci.
Pe580715                Snoop gets some rest because he's preparing for a Doge takeover. Chuck is nominated as president of the convention and chosen.
Pe580716                Chuck talks about Cate's and Doge's but Snoop corrects it as Doge's and Cate's. Chuck decides to introduce his plan first after a recces that day.
Pe580717                  Snoop hears that a quarter of a million Doge's and Cate's are born a day and he thinks someone should do something about the Cate's. Chuck introduces the five things he wants. 1. A president of The UNOP free of constraints by their country's government selected by the representatives 2.Representatives chosen by the people of their country in five year terms. 3. Giving the representatives military order to all generals. 4. Two representatives for each country. 5. A council of non-representatives chosen by the president to guide him free of concerns of getting fired by anyone but the president.
Pe580718                       Snoop thinks about how many Doge's there are and realizes he isn't unique. Luci and Shroe come up jointly to support everything except the council because it is  undemocratic.
Pe580719                            Snoop tries to catch a ball but it is autographed so he gets ink on him. Luucy, Biole and Batricia start planning their counter to Chuck's plan.
CB 2164 Lucy 947 Snoopy 783 Linus 486 Violet 457 Schroeder 443

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