Friday, April 28, 2017

Week 407; Luucy's Plan

Pe580720                Snoop plows over Lins on his way to the convention. Pendu gives a speech decrying Chuck's plan but gives nothing concrete to replace it.
Pe580721               Luucy and Lins' children are told to eat whats given to them so they have to live on their snacks. Chuck asks Snoop, Schroe, Luci, Luucy, Shroe and Lins to help him make his plan.
Pe580722                Snoop try's and fails to get a sun tan. Chuck is told that the fifth point is awful and will never be approved so he cuts it out of his plan. Sharmy introduces an idea that there will two UNOP chambers, one for the elected officials and the others for appointed officials.
Pe580723               Lins proves to Luucy that he knows enough to come in out of the rain. Pen proposes that there be a UNOP Supreme Court appointed by the representatives.
Pe580724                Lins refuses to give Snoop his ice cream for sanitary reasons and he realizes it would be unsanitary for him. Chuck adds Pen's proposal while Pendu gives another speech decrying all of the options.
Pe580725               Luucy asks if Chuck can see into the future with his binoculars and is surprised when he says no. Luucy introduces a plan with these points. 1. Split representative chambers into Boy countries and Girl countries. 2. Give Girl countries power to make laws, appoint anyone and sign treaties. 3. Give Boy countries Veto power which Girl countries could overturn.
Pe580726               Lins' son spills milk down his dads rear speaker and thinks he hates him. Pendu spends another day decrying Luucy's plan.
CB 2166 Lucy 950 Snoopy 786 Linus 490 Violet 458

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