Thursday, April 13, 2017

Week 393; Charlette Prepares To Attack Lucy

Pe580413                  The Snoopy Scavengers force Charlie Brown too give them food, while every member is asleep. Luci attacks the naval base.
Pe580414               Mr. Manager part 21; Chuckson decides that he needs to organize the team by writing down the name of each player and their position and attach it to a clipboard. Charlette escapes the naval base right before it is destroyed.
Pe580415               Mr. Manager part 22; Chuckson asks Luc if she wants to be second and, thinking he said second fiddle, raises a fit. Charlette conquers another naval base.
Pe580416               Mr. Manager part 23; Chuckson hits the ball right into Lin's glove, which was right in front of him so he makes him shortstop. Charlette blows up the naval base before moving on to a large base.
Pe580417               Mr. Manager part 24; Chuckson tells Schroed the signals, a high ball, a low ball and the broad area in between. Charlette takes out the large base but her force is decimated.
Pe580418               Mr. Manager part 25; Luc uses Chuckson's bat to hit rocks, and ruins it. Luci finds out about Charlette's destruction spree and realizes that she is heading to take over Lucy.
Pe580419               Mr. Manager part 26; Lin asks what league the team is on and Chuck says about three leagues below the little league. Luci moves her troops to defend Lucy.
CB 2112 Lucy 909 Snoopy 752 Linus 444 Schroeder 428 Shermy 238

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