Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Week 405; A UNOP Convention

Pe580706                Chuck's son gets mad  at Viole's daughter for bragging about her dad and says he likes his dad isn't perfect but he still likes him, she compliments him for that and then starts bragging again. Luci comes home and after a few speeches in Lucy's capitol comes home so her Trusted trains the new recruits.
Pe580707                Lins observes Sherm's son's toy gun and calls it an educational toy. Chuck introduces a bill to look at The UNOP's charter and rewrite it.
Pe580708                  Lu listens to The Great Piano's classical music and has her computer yell that she appreciated it. The representatives unanimously vote to have a convention and sends requests to every government to send members to Peanutsville for it.
They will send representatives based on population, 10 for Charlie Brown, Snoopy and Lucy, 5 for Patty, Violet, Linus and Schroeder and 2 for Pig-Pen and Shermy.
Pe580709                          Schroe tells Luucy that Beethoven wrote 32 piano sonatas but it wasn't a record (I think it might) so Luucy says that has no sense. Shermy chooses Sherm and Sharm's brother in law named Sharmy while Pig-Pen sends Pendu and an old sage named Pen.
Pe580710               Snoopy's Scavengers steal the Linusian wall without Linus noticing it for a few hours. Violet coshes Biole,Viole, two more Bully party politicians and one more Girl party politician.
Pe580711               Linus' general hides the wall in its roads when Snoopy's Scavengers come. Patty sends in the same type of people Violet sent.
Pe580712               Luucy starts liking Van Cliburn. Schroeder sends Schroe, Schroeder's old baby representative, Shroe and two more politicians to Peanutsville.
CB 2161 Lucy 944 Snoopy 776 Linus 483 Violet 456 Schroeder 442 Shermy 240

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