Thursday, April 7, 2016

Week 104; The Schermy Siege

Peanuts                  Charlie Brownan story givers are telling a story to be sent to Lucy and Snoopy, but at the end the Snoopian transcribers laugh very hard so they give up telling stories.
Peanuts               Right before The UNOP Front heads out the Charlie Brownan general asks Luci what the name of Linus is and she says that its Linus and that's a coincidence since both country's name begin with the same letter, but she doesn't know what it is.
Peanuts                 CPatricia asks Chuck what candy he likes best and he says everything except coconut so she buys a nickels worth of coconut ones. Also this day the UNOP navy is founded.
Peanuts                            Chuck's son tries to make Lins' (the Linus representative) baby laugh but when Snoop walks by he is embarrassed and leaves. Later that day The UNOP Front begins to siege the Schroedermian town of Schermy which is one of the most powerful cities of the Outsiders as a whole.
Peanuts               Chuck checks his calendar and tells CPatricia that that day is when Balboa discovered the Pacific and the net day is when Daniel Boone died and Saturday he should use white shoe polish. Later that day the first layer of Schermy's wall is broken through.
Peanuts                The Snoopian army is attacked by the new army of the Yard, Leaf, and so they join The UNOP Front and break through the second layer of the wall.
Peanuts               Schermy is taken over by The UNOP Front and given to Linus since its the smallest country. The portion of Lucy's army that doesn't answer to Luci attacks the Charlie Brown army and when they are chased they hide in Lucy and act like nothing happened. Later the Mean party of Lucy is founded.
CB 652 Patty 328 Snoopy 183 Violet 153 Lucy 63 Linus3

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