Saturday, April 9, 2016

Week 105; The Battle...

Peanuts                The Lucy ball bouncing champion is setting the world record and has Chuck and CPatricia count, and when her Schroedarian manager tells her to leave to go home she keeps doing it. The UNOP Front heads to conquer more of Schroedermy
Peanuts               Shroe is spending a lot of time with Linu who is the Linusian general, and the leader of the Pattian army who recently joined The UNOP Front thinks that Shroe thinks Linu is a brilliant leader but Luci says that its because Linu reminds him of Beethoven. Later that day the total space of Schroedermy under UNOP control reaches half of its original space.
Peanuts                   The Charlie Brown supervisors of Linus are worried when an outbreak of the hiccups breaks out in Linus but Lucy's leader says its okay since there isn't much else to do in Linus.
Peanuts               Schroe is tuning his piano and gets perfect pitch and tells Chuck about it but he says who cares since baseball season is over. Later Schroe tries to get transferred out of the building but he fails. Even later the capitol of Schroedermy (Shermer) is taken over by The UNOP Front and the peace treaties begin to be written. Unfortunately something happens later...
NR: I really love this comic, it is in the top two favorite comics of the 50s.
Peanuts                    Chuck pays $25 dollars for a bike for his son when everyone moves back to their homes and even though he'd rather play football he rides it all day. Later that day Luci is fired as general of the Lucinian army, though she stays in The UNOP Front, since she doesn't want to attack other countries, this begins either the second part of World War 1 or the Lucinian war, I agree with the former since the peace treaty isn't signed. We used to think that happened the next day but we have more sources that say it is today.
Peanuts                                Chuck's son is sent to boarding school by the governor of Peanutsville for safety which depresses him but when he sees Shroe is upset about the day before he's cheered up. Later that day Lucille is fired and her replacement is Luucy.
Peanuts                               Schroe has Chuck guess what he's playing and since Chuck's son had just left he yells about how everyone thinks he's dumb, then asks what he was playing. Later that day the army of Blockhead invades Peanutsville and starts the most brutal battle in the war.
CB 658 Patty 331 Schroeder 83 Lucy 66 Linus 5

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