Thursday, April 28, 2016

Week 138; Pitchers Mound

Peanuts                  Muddy and CPatricia's daughters are making mudpies since Muddy has abandoned mudpies and Chuck tells them they're mothers will be mad even though they're wearing aprons. Patty helps Violet push forward into Lucy.
              Schroed asks Chuckson if he'd take his ball if he was fired and he says he would so Schroed encourages him. New Shermy stops Schroedermy from attacking main Shermy.
Peanuts                    The Yard attacks Snoopy's reinforcements with the Sprinkler brigade and causes Snoopy to be temporarily pushed back.
Peanuts               Lucille tells CPatricia that psychiatry is almost over and she'll be doing the same things she's been doing then. Snoopy pushes forward again after the reinforcements arrive.
Peanuts               Schroed and Shermy's champion build a pitching mound for Chuckson, put he can't move on it. Shroe begins helping Luci hunt down Lucinian soldiers weakening the army.
Peanuts               Chuck sees Muddy's daughter who tells him that she's making ready to mix mud pies. Later she fails and goes bankrupt learning a lesson about business.
Peanuts                Viole invites Chuckson to her house and he says no so she invites herself to his house since if she gets mad he'll be home.Charlie Brown stops pushing forward and starts defending its new land.
CB 841 Patty 403 Snoopy 233 Violet 195 Shermy 145 Lucy 155 Schroeder 128

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